Hi, I’m Nico.

I flew one-way to Thailand in 2015. I went broke.


Today, I run an Amazon FBA (Fulfillment-by-Amazon) business. I sell over $1,000,000/year and I plan to grow that to $5,000,000.


A few years ago I ran a partnership program (like an apprenticeship) where you learn e-commerce while helping me launch new products in my business. There was no fee or price or investment. I would teach you how to run a profitable, location independent e-commerce business. You were paid to learn without risking your own money.


” Working with Nico is an amazing learning experience. Nico is smart and talented, and his results’ speak for themselves.
He’s documented every single step, so there’s no guesswork involved and you can look up anything you need. He really helps you learn and get skilled, and you get a feeling he genuinely wants you to become amazing and outdo yourself.
Business never felt so friendly before. Nico took a genuine interest in helping me out and was amazingly patient with me. We speak much more than just once a week and I always have fun – he’s got a ton of amazing stories to tell from all of his travels!
Best of all, we’re making real money! We’ve launched 8 different products together and now I’m selling $1000/day! 


Very few people signed up so I stopped this apprenticeship program.


I’m a voyager at heart, an e-commerce business owner who’s spent the last 10 years traveling to all continents including Antarctica and over 85 countries.


I enjoy learning about cultures around the world and learning to speak foreign languages. Let’s chat in English, Spanish, German, French and Mandarin.


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsWIq2BQaGqkUFYYI4clWNQ
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicojannasch/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nico.jannash



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