Mi Amigo En México
I’m in Puebla, Mexico. There’s a massive, active volcano just outside of town, and that’s the type of scenery I like. I’m living with generous relatives who opened their house to me for a week, and I am really enjoying the Mexican food, culture, and language.
I don’t know anyone in Mexico aside from these relatives and I didn’t expect to see any friendly faces. That’s why I was so surprised when I checked Skype from my hostel in Mexico city.
A friend I hadn’t spoken with in nearly six months sent me the typical ‘Hey, what’s up?’ message. The last time I saw him was in Thailand where we met, hung out for a week, and discovered that we shared a lot of similar views.
I told him that I was in Mexico. Surprisingly, he was too.
I told him I was in Mexico City. More surprisingly, he was there as well.
I told him I was in the ‘Centro’ area. We were half a mile apart.
I hadn’t seen this guy since Thailand last year. For some reason he decided to message me within hours of my flight landing in Mexico City.
We were both floored by the coincidence. It was truly exceptional. We met up, filled each other in on the past 6 months, and even discussed the possibility of going into business together. This was one of the most exciting and thought-provoking chance encounters of my life. (Was it chance?)
Traveling as a digital nomad it’s still possible to ‘run into’ old friends almost as if you were living in the same town. We’re separated by greater distances than ever before, but the world is getting smaller at the same time.
We used to jump in the car and head home after a night of catching up over a beer.
Now, we finish that beer and hop on our flight to the next country.
Want to learn more about life as a digital nomad? Shoot me a message on Twitter @Nico Jannasch or via my private contact form.