Challenges Building And Owning A Lifestyle Business
Starting a laptop lifestyle business brings different challenges than starting a venture-backed growth company in Silicone Valley. Here are two that stand out. Challenge #1 You have very few resources to build your first lifestyle business. It…

A Lot Of Businesses Fail… So What?
I’m not quoting exact statistics here but you’ve all heard the general consensus… “80% of businesses fail in the first 5 years.” “Two thirds of businesses go bankrupt within a decade.” We’re continually beat over the head…

Don’t Be Afraid To Leave Home: You’ll Get Used To Anything
Leaving your home country to travel the globe for a few years is a great way to spend your early 20’s (and perhaps early 30’s or even 40’s). You’ll find new food every night, new cultures with every border…

Focus On Production
We are both consumers and producers. We all eat and drink and use water, electricity, natural gas, and gasoline in our daily lives. We also produce things. We work. We earn money. We want to help other people,…