Sick As A Dog
I recently flew into Cusco from Lima, a change in altitude of about 11,000 feet. I was a little sick heading to the airport, got almost no sleep, and then felt all the effects of altitude sickness when I landed….

Diversify Or Reinvest?
As an intelligent investor, you know that you need to put that money to work. As a business owner, you’ve probably asked yourself “Should I reinvest my profits, or diversify into other investments?” Should You Reinvest Or Diversify? …

Smoking Your Own Cigarettes
“A man smoking his own cigarettes had given up faith in his ability to carry on.” In his book ‘Man’s Search For Meaning’, Viktor Frankl describes his years spent in concentration camps in Nazi Germany. In camp, cigarettes…

A Tip For Hustlers Who Want To Enjoy Parties
Are you always working? Is your brain always ‘on’? Results oriented, your focus is on your hustle, your customers, your latest sales funnel, or your latest product improvements. You enjoy setting big goals, creating 6-month ‘action plans’ and making them…