This Too Shall Pass
I’ve gotten food sickness a few times over the past few years. On my first morning in Bangkok, I felt nausea in my throat amid a rotting smell that permeated that part of the city. My stomach churned…

Why Do Small Towns Make Me So Sad?
I’ve passed through a lot of small towns while traveling. One row of lights on the one main street. Scattered concrete houses for just a few hundred people. One little store, where everyone buys everything. Sometimes I feel…

Sitting Down To Answer “What If?”
I was walking around downtown Baños two nights ago. I was thinking about some new responsibilities I’d recently taken on, but I wasn’t thinking clearly. Friends have given me money to invest in a new company, and they expect…

Bungee Jumping: Before, During And After
I went bungee jumping in Baños two days ago. Here’s what I was feeling before, during, and after. The Hours Before Walking To The Bridge Waves Of Nausea I wrote down that I simply felt “like s**t.”…