Be Smarter Than Your Brain (AKA: The ‘Cream Puff’ Dilemma)
Sometimes I think my brain hates me. I’ve been doing jump-squat exercises in the morning for over a year now, and my brain STILL cries out in fear “Don’t do it!” before I begin. As a freelance writer…

Willing To Experiment
When you experiment you’re expending energy without a guarantee of a positive result. We naturally avoid wasting energy and so we avoid experimentation. Don’t let that fear control you. You must be willing to expend energy in order to experiment. Yes, it will…

A Series Of Opportunities
When I was growing up, my dad told me that “Life is a series of opportunities.” He’s right. Life will, again and again, present you with opportunities. But they’re just opportunities, not guarantees. If you’re not…

Learn Early
Whatever you’re good at now, you will need NEW skills in the future. Remember the famous quote “What got you here won’t get you there.” Learning and increasing your skills is a vital ‘task’ in any profession or business. Put…