A Potential Business Partner In Every City
A mentor of mine who I spoke with last year told me that, as I was moving so much, I should really take advantage of the opportunity to network. “Find a potential business partner in every city.” That’s Good…

Learning To Catch The Wind
Last week I ate breakfast at a favorite bakery in Woods Hole (Massachusetts) called ‘Pie In The Sky’. While sitting at one of the big tables I started a conversation with a consultant who worked in ‘Revenue Recognition’ helping companies…

Try This Experiment (From A Billionaire And A Marine)
I lived with a friend a few weeks ago. He told me a short phrase a billionaire had told him a few years earlier when he asked, “How do you make $1,000,000,000?” “Train to swim 10 laps and you’ll…

Friedrich Hayek, Digital Nomads, And Your Opportunity
Friedrich A. Hayek was an economist. Whether you believe what he had to say or lean towards the Keynesian perspective, Hayek was undeniably an influential man who left a strong impression on the economic systems of the world. I…