Tax Planning For Digital Nomads
This is how billionaire families pay zero taxes. The strategy involves many different entities. It involves a family ‘bank’, a family ‘foundation’, IRA’s, trusts, and more. It’s complex. It takes months or years to implement. After looking at this…

A Perfect Day
Last week I wrote a post about having more fun in your business. While you certainly should enjoy what you do, there are many fun activities you can’t directly apply to your business. Yesterday I took a trip with my…

A Business Lesson From Cats
There’s the fairly common perspective that ‘hustling’ to improve your business is, in general, drudgery. It’s sometimes seen as a necessary evil you need to endure in order to reach ‘success’ in business. You need to put in…

Save Time In South East Asia
Many new location independent entrepreneurs flock to South East Asia to launch their businesses because you can save a lot of money. You can live for $500 per month and invest the rest in your business. But the benefits…