Tips For Living With Local Families
While traveling through Asia I spent many nights living with strangers. Just in Vietnam I can think of 3 families who took me in and let me stay with them for a few days. (I’m back living with one of…

Motivation Needs Direction
When I flew to Asia and started Graphic Design Experts, I was chomping at the bit to get started. I spent just 16 hours in Bangkok before heading north to Chiang Mai, where I would quickly get down to work. Within…

Want To Build A Habit? Build A List First.
A few months ago I wrote a post about the daily to-do list I created for myself. These activities include meditation, reading educational materials, and working out. I’ve added and removed a few items over the past year, but everything on…

PuiYan Quit Her Job!
Last week Lars (the friend I’m visiting in Hong Kong) and I gave a talk at the Wynd co-working space in Hong Kong. We’ve both been traveling and earning income on the road for over a year, so we wanted to…