A Location Independent Physical Products Business
I’m in China this month. I’m here for the Canton Fair, where I’ll be looking for products to source from China and sell online. The fair takes place in Guangzhou, and I’ve got an apartment here for one month that…

A Night In Macau
I took a trip outside Hong Kong last weekend. Macau is known for it’s gambling, and a good friend and I decided to explore the casinos for a night. The buildings in Macau were beautiful, but perhaps a little too ostentatious….

Public Speaking For The Location Independent
If you’re living a life on the road, you might not think that improving your public speaking skills is worth your time and energy. After all, most of your communication happens via email, Facebook chat, or maybe a 1-on-1 Skype…

Making Location Independence Your Asset
Most location independent businesses aren’t built to benefit from their location independence. When a founder decides to travel full-time, he or she accepts that their business may be a little more unstable due to this decision. This sacrifice…