The Power Of The Mastermind
What is a mastermind? Simply put; a group of individuals who come together in order to reach a shared objective. This group of ‘minds’ is more powerful than those individuals would be on their own. Ask described in…

I Was Wrong (About Steady Paychecks)
This post is a little hard to write. I need to admit ‘I was wrong‘ if it’s going to be an honest post. Since this blogs inception I’ve been dead-set on telling people to quit the job as…

Medical ‘Emergencies’ While Traveling
A big question that pops into mind when considering location independence is… “What will I do if I have a medical emergency in a foreign country?” You might think that getting sick on the road has much larger consequences…

Don’t ‘Dumb Down’ Your Location Independent Business
I conducted a little test recently. (The beard was shaved off by then) I was doing a simple job for one of my sales clients and measuring how long it took me to gather information on leads I would reach out…