Staying Fit While Traveling
Most people gain a few pounds on vacation. Nobody wants to think about their beer consumption on their 3 weeks off and with the focus on ‘relaxation’ the predisposition is definitely to pig out vs. work out. If…

How To Build Stability So You Can Achieve Your Goals
Working to build a business while traveling can sometimes be summed up with a single word… Chaos! If you don’t have a plan, the logistics around ‘getting to work’ will take more of your time than work itself! For example,…

The ‘Island Lifestyle’
Last week I arrived at my new home in the Philippines. The BADLADZ resort in Puerto Galera! The weather is beautiful, the temperature is modest, and the humidity is almost non-existent. All I can say is… ‘Ahhhhhhh……’ One…

Entrepreneurship In Vietnam
I’m currently in Manila after spending the past two months traveling through Vietnam. As expected, activities like renting a motorcycle, swimming on beautiful beaches, and eating delicious Vietnamese food were omnipresent. What I didn’t expect, however, was the abundance…