When Did We All Become Drama Queens?
Life has it’s ups. Life has it’s downs. When did we all start crying, moaning, or cheering about it? And WHY did we? Life just is. It is what it is, take all the good, bad, and mediocre with it….

Get Up
Sometimes hard work isn’t enough. You can work your butt off. You can get up early, work harder, stay later, and focus more intently, but sometimes it just won’t be enough. You really can give something your all and come…

Fear Steals So Much!
I had an experience overcoming fear today. Was I running away from bulls? No way. Was I jumping out of an airplane? Hell no. I simply picked up the phone and called a friend. “Hi.” I said. “Hi Nico, what’s…

The Fearless Lifestyle
Is it possible to live a life without fear? The emotion of fear is extremely powerful. Can we ever break away from it? A lot of studies show just how paralyzed all of us can be when we…