Your Caveman Brain Is Afraid

Your Caveman Brain Is Afraid

Thousands and thousands of years ago, the human machine was much better adapted to its environment than it is today.   To give a couple examples of what I mean…..   1. We were afraid to leave our homes. The…

Need Some Confidence? Take a Risk!

Need Some Confidence? Take a Risk!

I was crouching on the edge of the cliff. My toes were curled up tightly, gripping the rock so hard they were white. My arms were wrapped around my knees as I rocked slowly forward and backward.   My brother…

Eastern Fusion May Scare You

Eastern Fusion May Scare You

Last week, I did something crazy.   I took a trip into Chinatown.   That’s not the crazy part. What was strange was what I was going there to do.   I was on a mission……. To try the most…

Bulls and Airplanes: Do They Frighten You?

Bulls and Airplanes: Do They Frighten You?

Your fear of taking risks is holding you back from experiencing the world.   What’s worse is that most of your fears are 100% unfounded.   You don’t really know what’s risky and what’s not.   Lets take some things…