Your Fear of Taking Risks is Holding You Back
It was the middle of the night. I could hear the small splashes formed by the waves on the California cost. I had been here many times before, but never this late and never alone. My backpack was heavy on…

Taking Risks is Living!
I love taking risks! Every chance I get I’m either on a plane to some foreign country or jumping out of one hoping my parachute will deploy as planned. When it comes to taking risks with people, I always…

Just Work Harder? Really?
I knew that that by just ‘working harder’ I would become more successful. I hate to burst my own bubble, but this just isn’t true. Working twice as hard won’t turn you into the next Steve Jobs….

Why I Meditate Daily
My body was aching, but it felt so damn good at the same time. My muscles were exhausted, but every step I took towards my apartment felt like a miniature victory. I had just gotten out of the gym, and…