You Can’t Jump A Chasm In 2 Leaps

(Sofia, Bulgaria) Running towards the cement bank, fear took over. I tried to stop, but my momentum pulled me over the edge into the water. I was completely safe, only soaking wet.   Two weeks later in Bucharest, Romania, I…

Don’t Get Stuck In A ‘Cumulative Learning’ Pothole

Last week, I spent my evenings watching a “Electronics For Complete Beginners” course; resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers, transistors… little tools I use every day but know nothing about.   One lecture explained Op Amp internal circuitry, which is highly confusing…

No Multitasking, But Dual-Tasking Is OK

Multitasking may be a problem, but Dual-Tasking helps you reach your goals faster. I purposefully dual-task every day.   Dual-Tasking: The brain does one thing while the body does something else.   Yesterday, I hiked through Rila National Park in…

I Recorded Dates As ‘Monday’ And ‘Friday’

2 years tracking my time… without recording the month or year.   “Monday – Completed A,B,C” “Monday – Did X,Y,Z”   Which Monday? February or July? 2016 or 2017? Hong Kong or Honduras?   I didn’t realize that in addition…