When You Realize You Need To Do Something 'Now!'

I feel productive when I ‘jump in’ to work on something I remember I need to do.   “Oh! That thing is important!” – And I begin. (Have you had a similar moment?)   But, the problem is that even…

Digital Nomads Experience Reincarnation

When you live somewhere for 3 months and then leave, you leave a ‘mini-life’ behind.   You had a routine. You made friends. Perhaps you fell in love.   Then, you leave everything behind.   Crossing that next border is…

If You Find Money On The Ground, Take It

Have you ever shared a refrigerator with a flat-mate, seen a large, juicy steak, and one week later, seen the untouched meat covered in mold?   Delicious food is now a moldy mess and you end up scrubbing the plate…

“I Just Want To Think”

In your mind… perhaps there is a dream… the dream that you can think, and in thinking so well, abdicate yourself from the responsibility of doing any work whatsoever.   I have dreamt this dream, and it is common among…