The Necessity Of Oversimplified Plans, Bold Ideas, and Cheesy Dreams

I hate ‘big ideas’ because usually, they’re not actually big… they’re just general, non-unique, bland platitudes.   “Become rich.” “Become famous.” “Run a successful company doing X.” “Launch new hot product X.” “Be great at X.” “Help people like me.”…

Walking 100 Kilometers In The Sahara – Tips After The Trip

Walking between Chinguetti and Oadane in the Sahara desert takes 5 days. Walking through sand is a good mental challenge, without the required technical skills or altitude complications of mountain climbing.   After walking 100kms through the desert, here are…

Please Be Interested In Technical Things

“That’s not my job.” “I’m outsourcing that completely.” “Someone else does that.”   You may not have the skills to write that sales copy, Photoshop those images, or write that code, but avoiding technical work because you think it’s not…