Notes On High Interest Business Loans For Inventory-Based Businesses

I took on a business loan a few weeks ago. High interest rate. 18% is credit card levels.   I earn a high ROI on the products I sell so this loan should be helpful, but I realize now that…

Why Digital Nomads Need To Have Big Goals

If you’re a digital nomad, you should set big goals. I think it’s dangerous if you don’t.   1. You Don’t Have Anyone To Compare Yourself Too   If you compare your $2,000/month passive income ‘success’ to the people working…

I Always Wonder: Is This Person Keeping Track Of Our Business-Relationship Accounting Ledger?

I’m only 24 and I don’t have a lot of business experience, but something I always wonder about the people I work with (freelancers, factories, investors, etc.) is…   “Is this person going to remember when I do something good…

How Does Your Life Change When You Fly Far Away?

I think I used to imaging traveling as a ‘big change’. New food, new people, new culture, new language, new schedule, new x, y and z… basically, new everything.   But, having been the stereotypical ‘digital nomad’ for 3 years…