You Are Not A Digital Nomad (If You Are… You’ll Regret It!)

Many long-term travelers go crazy after 5 years of constant movement.   The ‘digital nomad’ lifestyle grants you a lot of freedom, but shallow friendships, repetitive conversations, constant change, lack of stability, and feeling like you’re on non-stop vacation for…

A Little Asceticism To Avoid Lifestyle Creep

I was reading about Siddhartha Guatama, the ‘Buddha’, last week. Wanting to escape his sheltered lifestyle, he snuck out of his castle in search of a life of religious introspection and enlightenment.   Many of his contemporaries and teachers ascribed…

Investing In My Own Business vs. Stock Market Investing

I just bought some British Petroleum stock. Having just sold an e-commerce company, I was looking for a ‘good’ place to put some money.   It’s location independent. It’s passive investment income. The 6% dividend yield will likely pay out…

Blue Collar, White Collar, No Collar Required

Blue Collar work involves physical labor. You’re digging, cutting, welding, forming, or doing some other manufacturing directly.   White Collar workers work in a comfortable office environment with their minds instead of their hands, and typically enjoy a higher salary….