Podcasts Don’t Have The Niche Technical Information You Need To Grow Your Business

Podcasts help me avoid newbie mistakes as I grow my e-commerce company, and I love listening to podcasts when I’m cooking or walking. Especially if you’re new, podcasts are incredibly helpful for understanding the zeitgeist of your industry. (For example,…

Reinvesting Profits Has No Tax Advantages

If you start a business with your own savings as seed money, your growth strategy may be to reinvest profits for a few years to build up equity in the business.   The Problem: Non-Cash Taxable Profit Spiral   You…

Passive Investing - Savings With A Dividend

When you’re 18 years old, money you invest in the stock market is unlikely to generate enough income to live from. You’re just starting with too little capital for a 5-7% return to make a financial difference.   You’ve got…

A Better Day 1 For Digital Nomads

5 years ago, I had no idea how to make money online, but I wanted travel right away.   I loved my first year as a digital nomad but it was the most financially stressful, emotionally taxing year of my…