Bring Your Future Into The Present

I spend 30 minutes per day thinking about the person I intend to become. This vision involves a good deal of hang gliding, sailing, and even a trip across Mexico on horseback. I spend 30 minutes per day visualizing these…

There Is No Autopilot (Thankfully)

As you go through life… you actually ‘go through’ life. You taste every bite of every cheeseburger and feel the burn of every sit up. If you’re trying to get into shape you feel the pain of every step as you run…

What I Learned Living On Less Than $1 Per Day

Two weeks ago I went through a rather stress-inducing 3-5 days. (It actually turned out to be 4.) I just received payment from a client through my business, Graphic Design Experts. This payment was very welcome, because I was running low on cash in…

Wisdom And Age

I have a mentor who has made millions of dollars as an entrepreneur. He currently works as a consultant to new business owners. He is highly respected as a thought-leader, and his company has worked with brands such as Berkshire…