Fighting Jealousy
For many years I struggled with issues related to jealousy. They probably came from fears I got as I was growing up. I’m finally losing them, but I used to deal with some pretty huge self-sabotaging beliefs. One of…

Nurture Then Share Your New Ideas
Should you share your fledgling ideas with the world? Is it better to keep it between your ears and mull it over before letting the judgment of others tear it down? In the past I used to get…

Finding Purpose
Finding purpose in life in extremely difficult. Figuring out the day-to-day actions is easy. You can get good grades, complete projects to not get fired, and save up for your retirement mostly on autopilot. What’s challenging, and often intimidating, is…

Online Publishing: A New Game
I am writing a blog because it coincides with my current mission in life. This mission is to spread valuable knowledge with as many individuals as possible through some form of teaching. The most effective channel for spreading information today…