Courage Will Save Your Life
Walking up the stairs… I felt terrible. It was late, 1AM, and I was in Germany.
“I’m here to learn German, to speak German… but I’m speaking hardly any at all. Why?”
That day, I’d spoken to 40+ people online for work, but none in German. My cousins speak English (and refuse to default to German with me) so I learn almost nothing at home.
I felt so down, so ‘pissed off’ that I wasn’t able to learn… I paused on the stairs.
“I’m IN Germany. Why didn’t I speak any German today?”
I really had to think about it:
German people all around me.
They all speak German.
I’m not speaking any German…
Then, the light bulb clicked, and I turned back running down the stairs. Back in the street, I saw who I was looking for, 3 guys sitting at a Shisha bar.
I introduced myself (In German) told them I was from the USA and was trying to learn, and asked if I could sit with them. They said yes, we talked for 2 hours and soon enough between the conversation, alcohol and nicotine, I was buzzing!
They left at 3AM and I leapt back up those stairs and to the apartment, smiling ear to ear all the way to the 4th floor.
Call It Courage
In those 2 hours, I improved my German more than I can in 2 weeks alone with a dictionary, or with my English-speaking cousins. (Yes guys, I’m very impressed you speak English so well.)
To call it ‘courage’, going to speak with strangers… seems a bit much, but I realized that if I don’t think of it as a courageous act, I won’t take it seriously enough to overcome my fear of doing it.
If you know you should do it, but you’re too scared to do it, and you therefore accept a much-worse reality (such as a reality where I never learn German!) then it’s a critical matter requiring courage. Don’t hide the fact that you’re afraid, perhaps terrified, to do the right thing behind a phrase like “I’m tired, I just don’t feel like it.”
You see, that was my problem. I didn’t want to admit that I was terrified to say ‘Hallo’ to someone on a safe street. But I was, and this fear was wasting weeks and perhaps years of my life and until I admit I need to be courageous, I will continue wasting my days, weeks, and months forever.
It takes a lot longer to learn a foreign language if you’re too scared to talk to strangers.
It takes a lot longer to get fit if you’re scared to push yourself while working out.
It takes a lot longer to grow a business if you don’t want to invest any of your own money up front.
It takes a lot longer to find a girlfriend if you never introduce yourself to women.
It takes a lot longer for that person to stop being an asshole if you don’t tell them about it.