How To Breed Your Own Superstition
You don’t need a cult leader or a religious fanatic.
You’re probably creating your own superstitions every day, simply by trying something new.
The Superstition Creation Process
1. Idea “I’ll try that.”
2. Don’t think through what your ‘trying’ process is. (1, 2, 3…)
3. Don’t consider your prior results. Was what you did before already working?
4. Don’t set a clear end-goal or ‘Hypothesis’ of what you expect to happen.
5. Don’t record what actually happens.
6. Have no plan of action, if the result is either good or bad.
You’ll knee-jerk into the same activity again, because it ‘feels right’ just like it did when you tried it the first time.
Running An Experiment Vs. Breeding Superstition
Writing out these pieces of a true ‘experiment’ will allow you to actually learn.
1. Background Info
2. Experiment Process Description
3. Control Group
4. Hypothesis
5. Result
6. Success or Failure?
7. Next Steps?
Writing out an ‘experiment’ can take 5 minutes. (Writing the assumptions you already have in your head onto paper.)
Then, actually trying the experiment takes the same amount of time (measured in weeks or months, not minutes) with the benefit that you’ll actually learn something.