How To Dilute A Strong Day Into A Weak One
The day began with fire. Physical exercise while learning about e-commerce, speaking with 20 factories in China to buy new products, speaking in a foreign language with strangers, excited and approaching my biggest goals in leaps and bounds…
“Yes!” I feel like Rocky.
Then, because you feel you deserve it, you relax your stringent self-awareness and the next 4 hours pass by while you do some useless activity that you default to.
I’ve personally ‘defaulted’ to watching Highlight Reels on YouTube, or randomly chatting with people on the Internet.
But then I realized that, after I took these breaks, I didn’t feel so great about my day anymore. By wasting those hours, I turned a great day into an average day, a mediocre day.
It’s like running 3/4ths of a marathon, making great time, and then sleeping on the side of the road with 6 miles to go.
The fire, the hot sauce, the passion isn’t so strong when it’s watered down with 4 hours of nothing. Your big goals need a concentrated acid burn. Napalm mixed with 25% water just doesn’t burn the same.
It’s said that most people are only 50% productive when they work (sad) but you can do the math:
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 40
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 40
The end-result is the same, even if you work at 100% for most of the day.
I like to fall asleep with 1 more Spanish vocabulary word in mind… (pulgada = inch) I know that every hour today, eyes open jumping into my workout to eyes closed at night (and perhaps… even the hours while I’m sleeping) was purposeful, getting me where I decided I want to go.