It May Look Different, But The Important Bits Are The Same

It May Look Different, But The Important Bits Are The Same

Everyone has a different face, but everyone has a face and a stomach, liver and kidneys.

Monkeys also have a face, stomach, liver and kidneys, and I’ve heard the code is 97% identical.

Every country in the world looks different as well: different governments, holidays, food, homes, and languages…

But every country has a government and every country has holidays.

Every country eats a diet based on a cultivatable carbohydrate (either wheat, corn, rice, potatoes, teff…) and mixes it with salt, sweet, spice, meat and vegetables.

Every country has homes with walls to block the wind, designated places to sleep, and food stocked away somewhere.

Languages may be different, but everyone understands a nod, a smile, and a bow.

It’s common to second-guess traveling somewhere new, simply because it’s different.

Different can be unnerving, and different can lead to the unexpected, and different can be less comfortable.

But, there is nowhere in the world with other people living there, where you cannot get the necessities you need to visit and then leave when the time is right.

If they are providing for themselves, and they are 99% like you, then you will have what you need when you arrive. (a place to sleep, food to eat and people to talk to)