Minimizing ‘Dongle’ Paralysis
I lost my headphone dongle (the small adapter connecting my headphones to my cell phone) and my entire routine went into crisis.
I couldn’t take phone calls, I couldn’t listen to podcasts while working out… I couldn’t type and talk at the same time…
My e-commerce podcasts lost their value, my phone lost its value, and my time lost its value… because I didn’t have this little dongle.
I knew it was possible to lose this dongle (Apple probably planned I would lose it and buy another one) but I hadn’t thought through my day, or how I would work, without it.
“Why is this crisis happening? How is a $2 dongle effecting my day like this?”
There are many ‘life dongles’ that I hardly think about, like toilet paper. The items themselves aren’t expensive but when you don’t have them your productivity and/or quality of life quickly deteriorate.
Making sure you don’t lose stride over a $2 dongle is, perhaps, embarrassingly simple:
Plan how to store the dongle do you won’t lose it. (For example, connecting it to your headphones before stuffing it inside your pocket.)
Ask: How could you have a phone call without this dongle? (It is possible.)
Buy an extra dongle to stash in your backpack.
Losing a dongle paralyzed my productivity, but small objects will go missing sometimes.