Send More Video Messages

Send More Video Messages

Filming a video can take less time than writing an email, but receiving a personal video feels like sitting at a Hollywood red carpet event.

Video messages still ‘pop’ and feel special. If they’re not confidential, they can even be uploaded to YouTube. (Sharing a link to view is easy)

In addition to being highly personal, it’s easier to get your point across. In text, it’s common to mis-interpret tone or emphasis. I can’t count the number of mis-understood messages through email, Skype, or Facebook that lead to the recipient (or me!) feeling terrible for no reason.

Try this: The next time you plan to send an email, ask yourself if you could open QuickTime, Photobooth, or your YouTube app to film a video instead.

  • Write out your 1-3 points

  • Ensure your background isn’t distracting

  • 1 take only (like a real conversation)

  • Begin with their name, clarifying that the video is personal 1-1

“Thanks for making that video!!” is still the common response. When did you last hear or send; “Thanks for writing that email!” ?