There Are 2 Types Of Challenges…

There Are 2 Types Of Challenges…

Lots of people work out and practice meditation regularly.


They feel stronger (physically and mentally) and they feel a sense of meaning in the activity. Even though it’s uncomfortable and sometimes painful to work out, and even though it’s often difficult to focus for long periods of time… people return to the activities because they feel stronger and more focused.


This is the type of challenge we all love. It make us feel like a winner, even if it’s difficult, because the challenge has been carefully crafted to fit your expectations.


  1. It fits your schedule.

  2. It’s a routine and you’re ready for it.

  3. You push yourself to a level you expect to go to.

  4. In your mind, this is a ‘great person’ activity. (Healthy people work out. Happy people meditate.)


The 2nd kind of challenge is often materially similar… but you despise it because it’s unexpected, unplanned, and irregular.


You hate carrying groceries up the stairs or needing to walk a mile home when you miss your ride… even if you work out every day.


You hate waiting in line and despise waiting for a bus… even if you meditate every day.


  1. It doesn’t fit your schedule.

  2. It’s not your routine.

  3. You might feel ‘uncomfortable’ in a way you didn’t expect. (Breaking a sweat in dress shoes.)

  4. You don’t believe these are ‘great person’ activities. (Happy people… wait in line?)


I don’t know when it ‘hit’ me… I must have been riding an endorphin high after a very difficult workout, and then thinking ‘Oh No!’ when I needed to carry my backpack up the stairs…


I feel quite negatively about a lot of things that happen in my life which, under different circumstances, I plan myself and am grateful for!


The stairs weren’t the problem. I just didn’t like that it wasn’t on my terms.


Rather than despising the unexpected, just accept that you’re going to get stronger (mentally and physically) from both the challenges you set for yourself… and the challenges you don’t expect.