When Someone Thinks You’re A Little ‘Fool’

When Someone Thinks You’re A Little ‘Fool’

I’m using the word ‘fool’ here in place of more choice language.


When someone thinks you’re a ‘fool’ and wants to suck something out of you, here is what to do:


  1. Don’t speak out against their requests, but never agree to their requests.

  2. Be self-contained, never extravagant beyond what you want for yourself.

  3. Let them choose their own without your guidance. Don’t be complicit in their actions.

  4. Never take from them or partake with them. Otherwise, you are just as guilty.

  5. Give what is easy to give, including your laughter and interest.

  6. When they expect tension to overcome you, be utterly calm.

  7. They will be silent, because speech reveals who they think you are.

  8. If challenged, state only the truth. It will be evident that their requests are hollow.

  9. Whatever negative or ‘smart’ comments come to your mind, don’t say them.

  10. Enjoy this time as it becomes clear that you are not the little ‘fool’.

  11. They have blocked their path themselves, and you have not opened a way for them. They have no choice but to turn.


Show no pride and no enjoyment in having revealed them to themselves.