Work With Your Laptop Unplugged

Work With Your Laptop Unplugged

Unplug your laptop from it’s power source. You will work faster and more efficiently, whether you work from an office, your home-office, or a cafe in Chiang Mai.


Watching your battery run down acts similarly to setting a timer as you work. It focuses you to not waste any precious battery-life. Especially as your battery ticks down to 15%… 10%… 5%!… you find yourself using every second efficiently.


Your brain will work faster to save battery time. The benefit, of course, is that in the process of using your better-life more efficiently, you are using your time, your life time, more efficiently too.


Like setting a deadline, or a timer, simply seeing your battery ticking down acts as a focus-forcing system. It works.


Give it a try today, or tomorrow, or some time this week. Unplug your computer and watch the battery crawl down from 100% to 50%, then 25%, then 10% and below… and even if your device runs a bit slower on low-battery, you’ll still get more done.


I’ll bet that if you actually measure your productivity, you’ll find that you get more done during your computer’s final 15% than you used to get done in it’s top 50%.