Digital Nomads Experience Reincarnation

Digital Nomads Experience Reincarnation

When you live somewhere for 3 months and then leave, you leave a ‘mini-life’ behind.


You had a routine. You made friends. Perhaps you fell in love.


Then, you leave everything behind.


Crossing that next border is a mini-death experience.


You can reflect on questions you ask after you really, really die.


  • “Why did I spend time with those people?”

  • “Who did I really care about? Who mattered?”

  • “What was awesome about that life? What sucked?”

  • “What did I do wrong or right?”


Then, you can restart in a new location, clean slate.


New routine. New friends. New life.


If you’ve traveled for multiple years on 3-month visas and if you’re not glued to your ex-friends social media, you get a near-total reset.


The work you do doesn’t change (long-term career growth is pivotal when earning location-independent income) but most everything you consider ‘lifestyle’ does.


Most importantly, you get to re-start personal relationships that normally, you’d never be able to get out of to restart.


Have a mediocre friend group? You’ll typically still hang out with them for years.


Have a girlfriend you like well enough, but you’re not crazy for? You’d never make a clean cut unless you kinda needed to jump the country.


“The good is the enemy of the great.” – Not Nico Jannasch (But it’s the truth!)


Traveling full-time allows you and forces you to break away from the ‘good’ so that you can start again in search of the ‘great’ or at least the ‘better’.


I don’t believe in reincarnation. Being a digital nomad is as close as you get.