“I Just Want To Think”

“I Just Want To Think”

In your mind… perhaps there is a dream… the dream that you can think, and in thinking so well, abdicate yourself from the responsibility of doing any work whatsoever.


I have dreamt this dream, and it is common among business owners, inventors, ‘passive’ investors, consultants, and perhaps everyone else.


Your ideas to be so valuable that others will pay you handsomely to whisper in their ear, and then they will run off to do the dirty work of actual implementation.


The Dream


After the 5-minute ‘sermon’ with a client (As if Jesus Christ had a phone number) you will hang up the telephone, lay back in bed, and continue sipping your still-warm cappuccino. Their $50,000 check is in the mail.


Sipping comfortably, you write another ‘flash of inspiration’ on our notepad (Sure to be worth $1,000,000 to Proctor & Gamble) and re-commence lovemaking with our beautiful devotee.


Mindless ‘hard work’ doesn’t pay very well, so perhaps effortless thinking pays handsomely.


Open Your Eyes


In reality, if your work is ‘thinking’… you will need to do so much thinking that it feels like work.


  • You will need to think harder and longer than you find comfortable.

  • You will need to think with deadlines.

  • You will need to learn new information, or perhaps CAD software, that initially confounds even your ‘genius’.

  • You will need to be accountable for your ideas, ‘selling’ them if they are worthwhile and taking material losses if they are sub-par.


“Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.”

  • Thomas Edison (A Great ‘Thinker’)


Today, those who make real change are those who are technically savvy and who make their thinking their work.


  • They plan the real-world implementation their ideas.

  • They manage their companies.

  • They invest their money and take the losses if their ideas don’t work.


Your ideas are like children. Any man can create one in about 30 seconds, but who will carry it for the next 9 months?